
November, 2011

International Institute for Environment and Development

As the online content manager at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) from 2011 – 2013, I

  • developed a strategy paper that set out the vision for the website redesign – and its integration with social media channels. And I worked with IIED’s designers and developers to make it happen.
  • developed a more intuitive website information architecture, which was later adopted and rolled out to IIED’s print portfolio
  • worked with the web team to develop a newly redesigned and restructured website that improved user journeys and saw a steady increase in the number of website visitors
  • managed the entire web content audit and web content, working with teams to rewrite sections, and sub-editing much of the content.

I also built up the organisation’s blogging and social media presence. From September ‘11 – August ‘12, 121 blogs were published, a 50% increase on the number produced the year before. Website referrals from social media were up from 1.4% in 2011 to 5% in 2012 – 2013. I increased Twitter follower numbers by 544% in less than 2 years, gaining followers at a higher rate than other think tanks in the same sector.

For more information on what I do, please read my CV.

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Read my blog, which features personal blog content and some of the blogs that I have written for IIED.

November, 2011

Save the Children

I was the web editor at Save the Children for two years. I was responsible for the editorial planning for the site, supported two website redesigns, developed concepts and content for web sections, such as the legacies section, (pictured below), in collaboration with a designer and a developer. I also built up the number of people blogging, and the quality of the charity’s blog content.

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November, 2011

Born to

I supported conceptual, design and content-related meetings when this global charity campaign microsite site was being developed. I wrote and edited much of the copy and many of the blogs on it, which highlight the high child mortality rates that exist in many of the poorest countries in the world, and the work being done to end it.

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November, 2011


I wrote and edited much of the copy on this global charity campaign website, which acts as an aggregator for news and social media.

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December, 2005

BBC photostory: Tales of rape in Democratic Republic of Congo

I carried out the interviews and research for this photostory during a trip to the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in 2005. The photographs were taken by Anna Kari.

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